Deadspin launches Indiegogo fundraiser to buy alleged photo of Ryan Lochte’s penis

Jeez, read Deadspin here and see ‘project’ on Indiegogo ($126 raised as of now, the goal apparently $5,000 in 7 days), via SCAQ Blog

Do you want to see Ryan Lochte’s alleged penis? Rather than bidding on some hypothetical market value of the photograph, let’s establish a real market value. Call it Cockstarter: Our offer price will be whatever you collectively pledge to the cause, plus a contribution from our own budget. Based on your pledges, we will make a final determination on the photo by next week.

Ryan Lochte

(Image courtesy of JD Lasica, CC BY-NC 2.0)


2 responses to “Deadspin launches Indiegogo fundraiser to buy alleged photo of Ryan Lochte’s penis”

  1. robinsonstr Avatar

    Poor Ryan. He’s a really nice guy. Give him a break. If you’ve seen one penis, you’ve seen them all.

  2. […] update on that story from yesterday: “Thank You For Donating $141 Toward Ryan Lochte’s Alleged Cock Shot. We Will Not Be […]

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