Swim parents turned away while LOCOG throw soldiers at the seats

Parents and friends of Swedish and Singaporean swimmers as well as a host of other countries have been refused access into the aquatics centre over the past two nights, missing seeing their loved ones compete, while other parents have had hours of angst trying to sort tickets at the last minute. Problem is that the Ticketmaster ticketing system used by Locog has not been able to update in time for each final – detailing which athletes are eligible to purchase the tickets. Read The Telegraph

Gunilla Lindberg, a senior International Olympic Committee member intimately familiar with the London preparations as she was also on the London Coordination Commission, said the issue was chaotic and distracting for many athletes.

“It is so confusing for everyone. Parents keep calling the athletes, no one knows where the tickets are and it is not very good preparation for the athletes to be so stressed about it,” she said.

Meanwhile, there were still hundreds of empty seats even on this third night of finals, the organizers talking about filling them with soldiers.


One response to “Swim parents turned away while LOCOG throw soldiers at the seats”

  1. That’s very disappointing.

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