Hackett’s wife Candice Alley under investigation for shoplifting

Candice Alley, the singer and estranged wife of swimming star Grant Hackett, is under police investigation for allegedly shoplifting children’s designer clothing from a posh Melbourne boutique. The claim is that she took four items from a Brighton shop on June 30 and five items from a Port Melbourne shop on July 1. Among the items, valued at $700 in total, were “tops, tights and one red dress”, the manager told Fairfax Media.

“She was blonde and dressed very well,” said the manager. “I hope they catch and expose her.”

Read The Herald Sun

This is big news in Australia, of course

Really big news


3 responses to “Hackett’s wife Candice Alley under investigation for shoplifting”

  1. In oz this was front page for one day. Grant’s rampage however, was a major talking point for quite some time and has only recently been ‘put to rest’. 
    A specific TV network (9) had Grant Hackett lined  up to be an olympic games commentator (UK: swimming) however he went on a rampage trashing his house with his kids around, and everyone was talking about how he should be dumped from the network. for domestic violence. SO what did the network do? it got hold of some dirt on Hackett’s wife, Candice. And as luck would have it, the girl’s a kleptomaniac or something. So, channel 9 rejoiced, played some thieving footage on their prime time ‘expose’ show and then a small bit of commentary toward the end of the piece betrayed their real intention:
    “we hope candice gets help, and we have been assured that she will not face charges, provided she returns the items.. and in other news the charges that Grant  Hackett had pending have been dropped. Let’s hope they both can move on from here”.
    Ergo, the network used her misfortune to paint them ‘both’ as little sinners, and her thieving helps his domestic violence to appear ‘not so bad’. Now it’s ok for him to be a commentator : )

    1. TatjanaSlipczenko Avatar

      I do not believe Candice’s thiefing should be vindicated by police.  She deserves no special treatment; there are hundreds of thousands of women in Australia who are in a domestic violence relationship or have recently ended one… that does allow all these women the right to go into not one, but TWO shops and steal carefully chosen items of apparel for their children.  As a celebrity, Candice should be an example to others; particularly people in her age group; and to simply have her taken off the hook by police due to the fact that she can simply “return the items to the stores” does not remove the fact that she committed two counts of a criminal act and therefore, she should be charged by police; and go through the process of pleading guilty, like everyone else in her predictament would have to.  Setting an example to others as a celebrity is what being Australian is all about. 

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