Aussie Olympic boss Coates bans Stilnox and warns of raids

Australia’s Olympic athletes have been banned from using Stilnox, Rohypnol and Mogadon and warned their rooms will be raided if they are suspected of using the sedatives. Read The Herald Sun.

“Please confirm that the search and seizure provisions in our Team Membership Agreements for athletes and officials will enable the Team Executive to enter bedrooms,” he wrote.


One response to “Aussie Olympic boss Coates bans Stilnox and warns of raids”

  1. susvim Avatar

    Yeah yeah.. some people who train 5-6 hours a day in the pool + 2 hours gym, find it very hard to sleep when tapering. So if you use this for two weeks, what is the problem?
    So you would like us to believe that AUS would rather give away Olympic medals… sorry but B*** S***

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