Mellouli hard pressed by the pace of the Danes

Nice comment by the Olympic champion Oussama Mellouli on AZ Daily Sun

“It’s been kind of crazy because this is the first time I’m doing triples, which is three workouts a day,” said Mellouli, who won the gold medal in the 1,500-meter freestyle for his native Tunisia at the Beijing Olympics in 2008.

Even for a world-class athlete like Mellouli, whose body is trained to go farther, faster and harder than most people could ever dream of going, the training schedule can be taxing.

“Some of the guys on the team went to check (the Grand Canyon) out yesterday, but I was just too tired, I wanted to stay in the hotel and relax.”

Pál og Kaibab í Grand Canyon

(No break for Pál, he was on assignment for my geologist brother Bartal)


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