Troféu Maria Lenk: Felipe Silva posts world’s textile best in the 50 breast

At the Maria Lenk Trophy in Rio de Janeiro today, Brazil’s Felipe Silva managed an incredible 26.87 in the men’s 50 breaststroke, eclipsing Cameron van der Burgh’s textile best of 26.90 from the Shanghai 2011 World Championships. Denmark’s Jeanette Ottesen won the women’s 100 freestyle with a time of 54.37, Cesar Cielo the men’s 100 freestyle in 48.28, Mireia Belmonte the women’s 400 IM in 4:39.41, Thiago Pereira the men’s 400 IM in 4:13.48, Ana Carvalho the women’s 50 breaststroke in 31.78, and Juan Pereyra the men’s 800 freestyle in 7:48.40. Read more here on SwimmingWorld Magazine.


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