Three drunk Aussies break into SeaWorld, swim with dolphins, steal a penguin

“Dirk the Penguin had a frightening ordeal. Police say after waking up with the penguin, one of the suspects panicked and let him go in a waterway known to have sharks. Witnesses who found Dirk say something chased him out of the water. Once he got on land, he was chased by a dog before being rescued. ‘He, eh, he was quite distressed, he was quite disheveled’”. Read ABC News, via SCAQ Blog

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Between these and the 4 Aussies who fled a bar by jumping off a skyscraper, I’m seriously contemplating an “Only in Australia” – category :-P


One response to “Three drunk Aussies break into SeaWorld, swim with dolphins, steal a penguin”

  1. […] mistake, I thought they were Australians, given that it happened in Australia and that Australians also manage to do strange things (or were they Welsh too?). Via […]

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