No cash incentives for Great Britain’s Olympic medallists

Great Britain is the only major London 2012 medal contender not to be offering any financial bonus to athletes who win gold medals at this summer’s Olympic Games, the athletes instead having to cash in on their triumph after the Games, at a time when post-Olympic corporate interest may wane, or be diluted by the 16-22 expected home team gold medals. Read The Telegraph.

National Olympic associations bonuses for gold medals
(not including private sponsorship deals)

  • Italy £116,075
  • Russia £85,791
  • France £41,455
  • China* £34,980
  • Japan £22,847
  • South Korea* £22,000
  • USA £15,736
  • Australia £12,906
  • Germany £12,436
  • Denmark £11,087
  • Great Britain £0

*Figure relates to bonus paid after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games

(I’ve included Denmark, since I know the amount … DKK 100,000)


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