Boat Race protest swimmer raises Olympic concerns

Boat Race protest swimmer raises Olympic concerns

‘It just takes one idiot,’ says British Olympic Association chairman Colin Moynihan after 35-year-old (Australian) Trenton Oldfield swam into paths of the boats in the 158th London Boat Race yesterday, forcing it to be temporarily halted. Read The Guardian and The Telegraph

“It just takes, and is likely to be, one idiot,” he told BBC Radio 5 Live. “It’s not likely to be a well-orchestrated campaign through Twitter or websites. It is likely to be someone similar to the idiot yesterday who causes major disruption. That is why all the security measures need to be put in place to minimize the chance of that happening.”

“It is a major challenge and the government have been aware of this since day one and work closely with Locog [the Olympic organising committee]. Every conceivable scenario is being reviewed and I’m confident no more can be done. It’s not impossible but it is a major challenge. You can never get it perfect unless you remove all the crowds and nobody is going to dream of doing anything like that.”


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