#SwimmerProblems trending on Twitter

Funny phenomena, including several big names in swimming, #swimmerproblems on Twitter. Some additions these last 12 hours …

  • Jessica Hardy, Oussama Mellouli and Sarah Sjöström: “Hungry, all day long.”
  • Natalie Coughlin: “when water (built up from underwater repeats) uncontrollably pours out of your nose at awkward times.”
  • Natalie Coughlin: “smelling like bleach no matter how much you shower”
  • Nathan Adrian: “Coach put tape over snorkel during practice and it felt like I was breathing out of a bendy straw”
  • Markus Rogan: “working between 21sec and fourteen and a half minutes every four years. Amazing hourly wage at that rate”
  • Matt Abood: “a packet of pasta supposed to serve 9 will only really serve 2 :-(“


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