Luca Marin on how Federica Pellegrini split up with him

Ouch, a hard moment in Shanghai this summer: “On the day when [Pellegrini] won the 400 freestyle, I rushed to her to talk to her and compliment her. We met in her room, but from her mouth came less than I expected – ‘Luca, I do not love you anymore’. She spoke to me, asking me how to tell the media about our break, but I did not listen. The pain was too great.”

And then, “The night they kissed, Federica and Filippo, in public at Cafe Rouge in Shanghai I was there. It was strange to feel how such a thing can change your body, your mind, in certain situations. Anger clouded my vision. Close friends dragged me away. I want Federica to be taken seriously. I wish her happiness. Magnini? No. He is interested in the media circus that surrounds Federica. Nothing else. And I will say no more than that.”

Tomorrow, Magnini will take on a dolphin in a race at Zoomarine near Rome. “The smart money is on the porpoise.” Read more here on


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