Rogan auctions off medals for charity

TesfayeAustrian swimmer Markus Rogan raised $40.000 for children in Ethiopia and India this evening, by auctioning off his Dubai silver and bronze medals at a Tesfaye/ Zukunft für Kinder fundraiser in Vienna. Tesfaye means “my hope”, and is a child sponsorship project founded in 2008, currently supporting 100 children aged between 4 and 19 years, living under very poor conditions in two districts of Addis Ababa, Yeka and Arada Kebele. Zukunft für Kinder is a similar project trying to help out the many thousand street children living in the red light districts of Calcutta.

This is the greatest party of my life! We just auctioned off my silver and bronze from dubai for usd 40 000!less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Favorite Retweet Reply


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