Filippo Magnini and Federica Pellegrini pose naked in Vanity Fair

The two swimming champions for the first time naked together in Vanity Fair. Him: ‘The woman of my life’. Her: ‘If he asked me to marry me right now, I would say yes’. See slideshow here on (if you can handle it)


3 responses to “Filippo Magnini and Federica Pellegrini pose naked in Vanity Fair”

  1. […] Bolt, Tom Daley’s splash in the pool after his bronze win, the Italian swimmers lovebirds Filippo Magnini and Federica Pellegrini making out on the tube, Andy Murray‘s first championship win, Bradley Wiggins’ Tour de […]

  2. […] Magnin en Frederica Pellegrini vormen een koppel. Ze poseerde vorig jaar naakt op de cover van Vanity Fair. Dat veroorzaakte nogal wat […]

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